Hi! I’m Sam Valentine. I don’t like to self-identify, but when I do, it’s as an aesthete, tarot reader, & purveyor / curator of vibes. As someone with a Gemini stellium, I take absolutely everything & nothing seriously.

“About” Me

No Tarot Reader is “for” everyone’s taste! Some specifics on my approach to the cards below so you can see if you’re into my reading style.

Decidedly unserious

First and foremost, I read tarot for fun — primarily for your enjoyment & possibly amusement! I reject the “love & light” & “positivity only” culture that can be pervasive in wellness™ & healing™ spaces, as well as the mere idea of reverence. Instead, my readings have a camp energy of levity — even & esp. when dealing with difficult or serious topics.


I’m not a psychic, an intuitive reader, or a healer. I very strongly identify with the literal term Tarot Reader in that I “read” the cards in the specific context of the reading as it occurs, leaving space for all that I don’t (& can’t) know about your experience. I hold no set or unchanging expectations about what the cards might “mean.”


A few notes on tenants of my practice! Consent — I practice Tarot with informed consent; providing this info about what you can expect from me is part of that work. Affordability — my pricing is meant to be as accessible as possible. If you need, please use this no Qs asked discount code at checkout: ACCESS.